Thursday, April 20, 2023

Old McRainbow's Wheels on the bus


I'm revisiting my schoolbus sets with my Old McRainbow rhyme.  I had forgotten that I made this up a couple of years ago.  This is an interactive rhyme.  I hand out the colored wheels to the kiddos. There's enough for 20 kids.  As I say the rhyme I put up a colored bus and the kiddos bring up the matching wheels.  They love doing this activity. There are so many learning skills involved in this game.  They have to stay engaged to wait for their turn.  They need to know that wheels go at the bottom of the bus shape. They see that each bus has 2 wheels. Plus they enjoy the chance to get up and move and the felt just feels good too!  Old McRainbow and his colorful buses are so much Fun with Friends at Storytime!