Sleeping Bag Chant
I was lying in my sleeping bag—I couldn’t get to sleep
When the wind began to howl and the bugs began to creep.
So I rolled to the left and I rolled to the right
And I heard every sound that you hear at night—
Then I would make the sound of one of the animals/birds and the kiddos would identify it as I added it to the board. This is a cumulative rhyme so I would say the sounds and name of the previous creatures as I added another one. This was a lot of fun and led to a lot of discussion!
Camping out is a lot of Fun with Friend at Storytime!! There are more great posts on the Flannel Friday Roundup. Check out the wonderful resources on the Flannel Friday Pinterest Boards. If you want more info about Flannel Friday here's the link for the official Flannel Friday blog.