Monday, May 9, 2022

*updated, Dear Old Dad post


I have updated my Dear Old Dad  post and added Grandad and Jr.  This activity/felt set is for a family themed storytime.  Here's a link for my rhyme, Neckties and Bowties.  I jazzed up Dad's ties and made Grandad and Jr.'s bow ties to coordinate with the necktie that Dad is wearing.  I plan on this being an interactive activity with the kiddos.  I'll say the rhyme and add Dad's tie and then the kiddos holding the matching color bowties can come up and put one on either Grandpa or Jr.  The bowties are essentially the same size with a dot of velcro on the back to hold them in place. So, I can still use just the neckties and Dad and the original rhyme too. I guess I could use the rhyme and change out Dad or Grandpa or Jr for 3 different options too.  I just think these men are so dapper! LOL!  Family is so much Fun with Friends at Storytime!

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