The trees around my house have got new baby leaves all over and the promise of shade for hot days in summer! We did a tree story time last year and it was a big hit! I have a small apple die cut that I used to add some apples in the book Tap the Magic Tree. I had to hold the book tightly until we got to the page when the apples all fall out of the tree. There were oohhs and aahhs when we got to that page! So much fun!! We also used a finger play about trees that Miss Margaret added some verses to called ,
The Rainbow Tree. Yummy fun! She started with the rhyme
Two Big Lemons at Everything Preschool.com and added verses about other fruit! I made a tree for the fruit pieces but I might add velcro to the fruit pieces and use my Apple Tree hand puppet. I shared my Apple Tree puppet in my post
I have a post about fruit
HERE. I have a song and flannel set about a tree on the post
HERE. Trees are a lot of Fun with Friends at Storytime!
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