It's getting close to Thanksgiving so my mouth is already starting to water, thinking of FOOD! I shared on another post about a rhyme I have about healthy food called 'Brown Bread, Brown Bread'. We have used it this week in storytime to talk about Thanksgiving food.
It's been a lot of fun. I laminated Google images of the different colored
foods and handed them out. As I put a pic of the food on the flannelboard, the
kiddos bring up their matching picture and put on my big platter on my lap.
It's so cute that many of the little ones are so used to putting their piece on
the board that they'd stand there and try and try to stick their laminated
piece on the board! Since they had 2 different pictures (I made 5 of each food)
the second time they would get it right!
We used one of my favorite food/family books, Feast for 10. I really like Cathryn Falwell's book for toddler/preschool storytime. It has nice big uncluttered pictures and minimal text. The kiddos think that the 5 kinds of beans page is funny! (hint: one of the kids is holding a bag of jelly beans!). One of my kiddos today noticed that on the last page of the book, one child is eating jellybeans while the other is reading a book! It's not explicitly a Thanksgiving book but it ends with the family seated around a table that looks a lot like Thanksgiving!
We also gave out a fun Home Extension
of pieces to make a bunch of grapes. The pieces are different shapes and the
circles are different sizes and colors so there is a lot of scope for
conversation about that! I have a sizzix diecut for the circles so prep was quick!
Food at Thanksgiving is delicious and a lot of Fun with Friends at
Storytime! There are more great ideas on the Flannel Friday Roundup! Check out the wonderful resources on the Flannel Friday Pinterest Boards. Here's the link for the official Flannel Friday blog for more info!
Friday, November 18, 2016
Friday, November 11, 2016
Giraffe wants a Snack!
You know there aren't a lot of flannel rhymes about just giraffes and I wanted one so, I wrote one! LOL! I really didn't want to make 5 or 10 giraffes so my rhyme is about one giraffe that eats 10 leaves! How easy is that?! Here's the link for my rhyme: 'Giraffe Has a Snack'. As I count the leaves for the giraffe to eat them, I can take them off; or the kiddos can help if the group is small.
I used Google images for ideas for my tree and giraffe. For some reason the giraffe looks yellow but it is really a tan color. I used a googly eye and some black fabric paint for the mouth, nose and tops of the little horns. I couldn't resist a little glitter glue for the vein on my leaves. Giraffes are so much Fun with Friends at Storytime!
There are more great ideas on the Flannel Friday Roundup! Check out the wonderful resources on the Flannel Friday Pinterest Boards. Here's the link for the official Flannel Friday blog for more info!

count to 10
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Noisy Robots
We wanted to do a robot storytime and I had NO flannel sets!! What to do? Flannel Friday Pinterest boards to the rescue! I found this cute rhyme @anneslibrarylife and got right to work! I used shape jewels on my set with metallic pipe cleaner antennae. I also added a final verse to the rhyme.

5 noisy robots in the toy shop,
Shiny and tall with antennae on the top
Along came a girl/boy with some money one day.
Bought a noisy robot and took it away.
(continue with 4, 3, 2, 1)
*No noisy robots in the toy shop,
No loud, 'beep beep or bop or bip-bop'
Each robot has a home now with a little girl or boy.
5 noisy, shiny, funny, robot toys!
Robots are a lot of Fun with Friends at Storytime! There are more great ideas on the Flannel Friday Roundup! Check out the wonderful resources on the Flannel Friday Pinterest Boards. Here's the link for the official Flannel Friday blog for more info!
count to 5
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