by Kathryn Roach
I went to the beach with my bucket in my hand.
As I walked along I looked down at the sand.
I saw some pretty seashells; yellow, orange and green,
I counted as I picked them up
I also have a link for a riddle game that I made up. It's called What I Saw at the Beach Riddle Game. I used Google images that I cut out and mounted on blue construction paper and then laminated. I sized the images to be about 4 or 5 inches and put a dot of velcro on the back of the laminated images so they'd go on the flannelboard. This leads to a LOT of discussion! Playing and Talking are 2 of our ECRR components. Well, at least this beach trip didn't involve sandy laundry or pesky sharks! The beach is a lot of Fun with Friends at Storytime. The rest of the Flannel Friday roundup is @ Storytime Katie. Have questions about Flannel Friday? Check out the Flannel Friday official blog. Be sure to join us on the Flannel Friday Facebook page too!