I don't like to ignore holidays but I also don't go into full blown holiday mode either. Easter is a great excuse for doing books about eggs, chickens, bunnies, sheep and spring! One of the books I like to use isn't an Easter book at all. I love the book, An Egg is Quiet by Dianna Aston and illustrated by Sylvia Long. This book can be used in different ways. I read the largest text and let the children lead in talking about the illustrations on the page. I also use The Golden Egg Book by Margaret Wise Brown. sooo sweet!

by Kathryn Roach
I’m hiding
Easter eggs today,
I have lots
of colors so everyone will say,
“Look at all
the fancy eggs.”
The blue
one with the pretty stripes I’ll hide inside a shoe.
The red one
with the squiggles will soon be hidden too!
High on a
shelf the green
one hides, it has colorful squares.
I’ll hide
the yellow fancy
egg beneath my father’s chair.
The rainbow
dotted purple
egg I’ll hide beneath the sink.
Inside a bag
is just the spot for this egg colored pink.
I’ll hide
the bright orange Easter egg in a
very little space
When someone
finds this funny egg they’ll have a happy face!
Let’s look
for all the pretty eggs,
We’ll find
them one by one
Grab your
basket. Come on let’s go,
Easter Eggs is fun!
These felt eggs are about 6 inches tall and embellished with yarn, fabric paint, more felt, ribbon, sequins, and details cut from fabric. These make me happy! Have a Happy Easter everyone!
I'm reposting this for the 5th Birthday/Anniversary Roundup of Flannel Friday! Woo hoo!! Check out the other posts on the ROUNDUP! Check out the wonderful resources from the last 5 years on the Flannel Friday Pinterest Boards. Here's the link for the official Flannel Friday blog for more info!
I'm reposting this for the 5th Birthday/Anniversary Roundup of Flannel Friday! Woo hoo!! Check out the other posts on the ROUNDUP! Check out the wonderful resources from the last 5 years on the Flannel Friday Pinterest Boards. Here's the link for the official Flannel Friday blog for more info!