Thursday, November 21, 2013

C is for Cookie!

Here's a fun interactive not-a-flannel prop for a Cookie theme.  I saw it at Read, Rhyme and Sing as a flannelboard activity but I wanted to make it a little differently.  I made up a rhyme for different colored 'cookies'.   I mounted a laminated poster board cookie monster to a box lined with black paper and a piece of black felt at the front of the box. The 'cookies' are some 3 inch circles left from another project. I did find a Google image of chocolate chip cookies for the brown cookie in the rhyme. I hand out the cookies and the children bring up the matching color cookie and 'feed' the Cookie Monster! Lot's of Fun!!

Cookies for Cookie Monster
by Kathryn Roach
Cookie Monster wants a yummy cookie treat,
Please bring him a *red, cherry cookie to eat.

*blue berry
*lemon yellow
*purple grape
*pink watermelon
*green apple (or pistachio)
*sweet orange
*brown chocolate chip

Cookies are Fun with Friends at Storytime!